Monday, March 28, 2011

precious; our future

last school holiday, we managed to finally have our vacation...last minute plan...
always last minute...
a lot of hurdle..unnecessary foul thoughts...drama...
adults tend to put in their perspectives to what they felt and wants to see only...
but sometimes the main star are our precious, khalifah of the future...

cuti sekolah is all about them...
it is a moment dedicated for them and

a lot of the desicion mainly are focusing on them..
jadi kami ketepikan ego dan ke kurang senang hatian...
(yang sebenarnya hanyalah a waste of valuable time and bisikan syaitan sahaja...)
just to be able to fulfill our future khalifah's social needs...

so as mothers... whose husbands was thoughtful and lovable...we cherished this and willing to put aside anything.... and focus on the little khalifahs enjoying their moments that they deserved the best we as parents can provide...
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